Video Triptych of 3 Chapters - Part 3 of 3
"I gave English translation of "Ariosto", which I got at Dublin; which their teachers took very thankfully, and soon after shewed it to the earl, who call'd to see it openly, and would needs hear some part of it read. I turn'd (as it had been by chance) to the beginning of the 45th Canto, and some other passages of the book, which he seemed to like so well, that he solemnly swore his boys should read all the book over to him".
REPORT OF A JOURNEY INTO THE NORTH OF IRELAND, Written to Justice Carey, by Sir John Harington, 1599.
The final film in the CRYPTOGRAPH trilogy brings historical obsession into the awkward present, and illustrates the power of transcending history alongside the knowledge and understanding of it.
Available here